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Getting Out and About with Your Hearing Aids

Thankfully getting out and about is now more possible than before and most people are looking forward to traveling again. If you, or your loved ones, are wearing hearing aids then you will be enjoying good hearing and a good quality of life, unless you lose them. Losing your hearing aids can be a worry if you are elderly or just a naturally clumsy, or forgetful person. If you drop your hearing aid at home then you will probably find your hearing aid pretty easily, but if you are out and about, or traveling, and your hearing aid falls out then this could prove to be very challenging, and costly. Fitting and Wearing Hearing Aids

If you, or your loved ones, have been suffering from hearing loss and have had your hearing tested by a good, professional audiologist, like Clarisound, then the next step is to find and fit a suitable hearing aid. When you first buy your hearing aid, you need to make sure you know how to put it in properly. Once you know how to position your hearing aid comfortably, put it on and check it in the mirror, or ask a friend to see if it looks correctly inserted. If your hearing aid doesn't feel comfortable in your ear then you should take it out and put it on again until it fits correctly.

Keep Wearing Your Hearing Aid

It’s essential that, once you start wearing a hearing aid, you keep wearing your hearing aid. Worrying about losing your hearing aid, or having your hearing aid fall out, can be annoying and you can prevent this in various ways. Start off by checking if your hearing aid happens to fall out during a specific activity, like eating, talking or exercising. One of our friendly, professional audiologists at Clarisound can advise you how to re-adjust your hearing aid to help prevent this. There are also a variety of different accessories that can help keep your hearing aid in. Try wearing a headband, or use sticky pads like ‘Phonak Stick N Stay’, but be careful not to damage your hearing aid. They’re worth trying as losing your hearing aid can be stressful and costly.

Change Your Hearing Aid

Challenges with your hearing aid may arise due to an old, or wrong sized tubing, or dome. It’s easy to replace these and find the most suitable size and form for your ear. Silicone domes usually last about three months so it’s common to have to replace them around five times a year. Good, professional audiologists, like Clarisound can advise you, and your loved ones, on this and also how to check your ears for earwax buildup, regularly. This can prevent your hearing aid fitting correctly. Good ear hygiene is as important as cleaning and maintaining your hearing aid.

Once you, and your loved ones, have fitted and start wearing a hearing aid then it’s important to feel comfortable and confident when you wear your hearing aid. If you are worried about losing your hearing aid then please don’t hesitate to call one of our friendly, professional audiologists at Clarisound for some good hearing care advice.

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