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Hearing Aids and Air Conditioning

Hearing Aids and Air Conditioning

Working in a tropical climate entails sitting in an air conditioned room, either at work or at home. Apart from being expensive, air conditioning can also affect your health, including your hearing. If you are losing your hearing then getting a suitable hearing aid should be a hot topic for you.

A Breath of Fresh Air

Sound is measured in decibels (db). Air conditioner decibel levels range widely. A very quiet air conditioner might only make around 25 db, which is just louder than a whisper, but some units can get as loud as 55 db. This is slightly louder than a normally humming refrigerator, which is typically around 40 db. According to the US Department of Health the average decibel ratings of some familiar sounds are:

  • Normal conversation60-70 db
  • Movie theater74-104 db
  • Music through headphones at maximum volume, sporting events, and concerts94-110 db
  • Fireworks show140-160 db

Your distance from the source of the sound and the length of time you are exposed to the sound are also important factors in protecting your hearing. This means that you can go partly or temporarily deaf at that particular frequency after long-term exposure. But this is not likely unless you have a very noisy air conditioner.

Protect Your Hearing

An important way to protect you, and your loved ones, from hearing loss is to know where the risks lie. Though individual tolerances vary, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends that workplace exposure be below 85 db throughout an 8-hour workday. This means that only very noisy air conditioners will have some effect on your hearing. Hearing experts generally agree that sounds exceeding 100 db, a level that can easily be surpassed by rock concerts, sporting events and movie theaters can be hazardous even in short bursts. Remember our blog on Huey Lewis and hearing aids for rock stars!  So does air conditioning make you lose your hearing?

Background Noise

Air conditioning, unless it is very noisy, you are near to the sound and exposed over an extended period of time, is unlikely. If it does occur it will most likely only be temporary. If you are already suffering from hearing loss then high-tech hearing aids currently available can cut out the background noise. The best way to manage background noise is to become good at using your hearing aids, and to manage your environment to the best of your abilities.

With any health care issue, hearing loss or other, it’s always best to get your symptoms checked as early as possible. Drop in to Clarisound for a free hearing test with one of our friendly, professional hearing care consultants. 

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