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Hearing Aids And Sudden Deafness

Hearing Aids And Sudden Deafness

Lots of good things can happen suddenly. Falling in love, getting an unexpected call from an old friend or finding a new job may all take a matter of a few moments. Everything can change in a minute or two. Sometimes unexpected negative events can happen, like sudden deafness. When anything good, or bad, happens quickly, how we respond is vitally important. If you, or your loved one, experiences sudden deafness then you will need to see a doctor and a hearing care specialist like Clarisound.

Sudden Hearing Loss

Sometimes the unexpected happens, suddenly. Sudden sensori-neural, inner ear hearing loss (SSHL), is commonly known as sudden deafness. It is an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing either all at once, or over a few days. This happens because there is something wrong with the sensory organs of your inner ear and it usually affects only one ear. You may first notice SSHL when you wake up one morning, or if you hold your handphone to your ear and can’t hear anything at all. There are also cases of a loud ‘popping’ sound just before your hearing disappears. Other common symptoms of SSHL may include; dizziness, or a ringing in your ears, known as tinnitus.

Although about half of people with SSHL recover some or all their hearing quickly, within a few weeks, you or your loved one may not know what is happening to you. This makes diagnosis and treatment essential. Getting treatment as soon as possible greatly increases your chances of recovery. Experts think that SSHL most often affects adults in their late 40s and early 50s but often goes undiagnosed and only about 10 percent of people diagnosed with SSHL have an identifiable cause.

Sudden Deafness Diagnosis And Treatment

Sudden deafness can make conversational speech sound like a whisper. If you have sudden deafness symptoms visit your doctor. Your doctor should perform a pure tone audiometry test to identify any sensorineural hearing loss. Other tests may include blood tests, imaging such as MRI, and balance tests. The most common treatment for sudden deafness is corticosteroids which work by reducing inflammation and swelling, and help your body fight the illness. If your hearing loss is severe, and does not respond to treatment, your doctor should then recommend that you use hearing aids to amplify sound, or even receive cochlear implants.

If you or your loved one experiences SSHL, or any kind of hearing loss, get your hearing checked for free at Clarisound. Wearing hearing aids will help restore the sounds you hear and your and your loved one’s quality of life.

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