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Your Well-Being with Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Your Well-Being

Our need to maintain and improve our well-being is more obvious now than ever before. With constantly changing rules, toxic media and general uncertainty all increasing, many of us are facing a fight to maintain a reasonable quality of life. Looking for positives is key to maintaining your well-being and a reasonable quality of life. If you, or your loved ones, are losing your hearing then wearing a hearing aid will restore your hearing, help your overall well-being and improve your quality of life.

Quality of Life Measurements

International bodies from the WHO to the European Union list various quality of life indicators. Health is of course one of the key quality of life indicators, and good hearing is a key part of this. In Malaysia the hearing aid market is expected to grow each year led by a growing ageing population and now there is the Covid epidemic. The Malaysian market is supported by professional audiologists like Clarisound who offer the latest technological advancements such as Bluetooth, and new product launches like water proof hearing aids. It has been estimated by some local experts in Malaysia that there are more than 1.7 million people with hearing loss, but without a hearing aid.

Hearing Loss Awareness

Professional audiologists like Clarisound are here to help you and your loved ones if you are suffering from hearing loss and not yet wearing a hearing aid. One of Clarisound’s strategies for creating awareness of hearing loss and hearing care solutions is through online marketing. Please take a look at Clarisound’s regular postings on social media.

There is lots of sound advice on hearing care solutions for all ages on our ‘evidence-based’ blogs. Clarisound’s outlets are also staffed by professional audiology consultants who can assess your hearing loss and recommend suitable hearing care solutions. Try our online hearing assessment before you call us for an appointment.

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Value for Money Hearing Aids

The Covid epidemic has caused widespread salary cuts and job loss increasing stress outside our control. This is leading to worsening health including heart attacks, depression and worsening habits. There are over 600 million people worldwide suffering from hearing loss, more than the number of people who suffer from diabetes or asthma. Good health, and good hearing, is worth paying for. Clarisound focuses on providing hearing aids and hearing care solutions for all income brackets. If you or your loved ones cannot afford the latest, luxurious model of hearing aids, you still have the option to choose from an array of efficient, value for money hearing aids that will restore your hearing, reduce stress and improve your well-being and quality of life.

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